What Others Say About Us

Your Launch
Pad to Success

Whether you're a budding startup ready to make your mark or an established company seeking a fresh identity, we're here to propel you towards you dream brand!

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Empowering Success in Numbers

We redefine collaboration, innovation, and success. From our unwavering commitment to excellence to our dynamic

Satisfaction rate
Delivered projects
Years of experience

Service Hub

From strategic consulting to seamless execution, we're your partners in unlocking unparalleled success. Elevate your idea or current business with our services.

User Experience

From sleek web design to intuitive user experiences, we ensure your online presence captivates and engages your audience from the moment they arrive

Branding &
graphic design

Our branding and graphic design expertise crafts visually stunning identities that resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression

Business Org & strategy

Tailored frameworks and innovative solutions to drive sustainable growth and competitive advantage in today's dynamic market landscape

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The Launch Sequence Unveiled

 Our Process starts with...

Branding Pillar

These set of questions serve as our compass, illuminating the path toward a precise target while deepening our comprehension of your business ideals and target aspirations.

Marketing Quiz

A visionary journey, carefully crafted to unveil your preferences in style, color, and design type through a curated set of design questions, guiding us towards the creation of a bespoke branding strategy tailored precisely to your brand's essence.

Logo Variations

We begin by crafting an exploration of the first ten logos to discern your visual preference! Subsequently. We then refine the selection to two options which hones in on perfecting specific visual appeals. Before then culminating in the finalization of your logo at the last variation, ensuring it embodies the full intent of your brand! 

Branding Kit

Encompassing all elements essential to establishing a cohesive and captivating brand identity, including logo variations, typefaces, patterns, colors, and more, ensuring every aspect reflects your distinctive character and vision.

Website Production

We design full websites that seamlessly align with our clients' brand identities while incorporating fluid, modern elements to ensure relevance and resonance in today's ever-evolving digital landscape!

Resource Designs

Depending on whats your companies needs are we then complete your launch with essential resources like letterheads, business cards, advertisements, pitch decks, prototypes, press kits and more.  Not only to ensure a cohesive brand presence, but setting them on a trajectory for sustained growth and recognition! 

Client Success Branding Showcase

Our Client Success Portfolio Showcase highlights our track record of excellence in previous projects, showcasing our ability to deliver exceptional results

Novex Branding build out

Novex, an electronic recycling company, underwent a transformative rebranding process with Launchify to ensure a high-tech, modern image. Through sleek logo design and futuristic branding elements, Novex emerged with a refreshed identity that positioned them as leaders in the digital age of recycling! 

Move Coutoure branding kit & clothing line

Move Couture, a burgeoning clothing company catering to the dance community, partnered with Launchify to seamlessly merge functionality and style. By designing versatile apparel that effortlessly transitions from dance studio to social event, Move Couture now offers dancers fashionable yet practical clothing solutions, enhancing their performance and elevating their style both on and off the dance floor.

primetech rebranding

Primetech Energy, a leading solar company, underwent a revitalizing rebranding journey with Launchify, prioritizing an exceptional customer experience and reinforcing their commitment to renewable energy solutions. Through a refreshed brand identity and enhanced customer touchpoints, Primetech Energy now offers an elevated experience, empowering clients with sustainable options while fostering trust and loyalty in the renewable energy sector.

Website Buildouts

Success Stories from Our Clients

Explore the firsthand experiences of those who chose to partner with us and witness the transformative power of our launch solutions.

John Anderson

Launchify went above and beyond! They truly understood our brand and brought it to life in the most amazing way

Michael Lesly

Impressed by their commitment to excellence. Their solutions were tailored to our unique needs, optimizing our processes and contributing significantly to our success! 

Emily Siemens

Launching a new business can be daunting, but Launchify made it easy. The branding kit they created for us is absolutely stunning – modern, sophisticated, and perfectly captures the essence of our brand

Alex Noon

Chey at Launchify is a joy to work with. They made the entire process smooth and enjoyable!

Chris Howard

Navigating the tech industry requires great branding. Launchify understood our needs perfectly, delivering designs that generated buzz and increased user engagement! Wouldn't have been able to get such a smooth start without them

Rachel Simpson

I was so impressed by how they listened to our feedback and incorporated it into their designs.

Emma Petterson

Their designs are not only beautiful but also feel authentic to who we are as a company

Alex Caron

Launchify's designs have given our brand a fresh new look that's getting us noticed

Nick Robinson

Launchify brought a perspective to our restaurant marketing. From our launch campaigns to local partnerships, they elevated our brand awareness and made us stand out within our community! If I ever start another company I will be going back for their help to launch that as well

David Lite

I can't stop raving about the logo they created for us, It's perfect! Their branding pillars and marketing quiz process was fun and insightful, clarifying our message in a way we never thought possible

Tom Green

Launchify targeted B2B campaigns and really help us develop a vision and plan of were we where going and branded us to get there. Was a smooth and organzied process! 

Sophie Kyle

They really took the time to understand our audience and tailor their designs to resonate with them, would highly recommend!

Frequently Asked Questions

We address common queries, demystify intricacies, and provide insights to guide you through our services.

How long will it take to design and launch my website?

The timeline for designing and launching a website can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the project, the scope of work, and the responsiveness of the client. Typically, we aim to complete the initial design phase within 2-6 weeks, followed by revisions and finalization.

What is included in your branding packages?

Our branding packages are comprehensive and tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. They typically include services such as logo design, brand identity development, brand guidelines creation, and collateral design (business cards, letterheads, etc.). We work closely with clients to ensure their branding reflects their values, vision, and target audience while making sure all their company needs are met and packages are tailored to them!

Do I need to provide content for my website, or can you help with it?

While we encourage clients to provide any existing content they have, we also offer content creation services as part of our website design packages. Our team of experienced copywriters can help craft compelling and engaging content tailored to your brand and target audience!

Will my website be mobile-friendly and responsive?

Absolutely! We understand the importance of mobile optimization in today's digital landscape. Every website we design is mobile-friendly and responsive, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices, from desktops to smartphones and tablets.

Can I manage my website content on my own after launch?

We design websites using user-friendly content management systems (CMS) such as Webflow or Shopify, which allow you to easily update and manage your website content without the need for technical expertise. We also provide training and ongoing support to ensure you feel confident managing your website for a monthly fee.

How do you ensure my brand stands out in a crowded market?

We take a strategic approach to branding, starting with in-depth research and analysis to understand your industry, competitors, and target audience. From there, we develop a unique brand identity that sets you apart and resonates with your audience, using elements such as color, typography, and messaging to create a memorable and impactful brand presence!

Let's Connect and Ignite Success

Ready to take the next step? Contact us today to explore how our innovative strategies can propel your business forward. Our team is here to turn your vision into a reality.

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